2016 HOF Inductees
2016 Inductees Joe DeRosa ’71 Coach Darrell Lickliter ’61-’83 Oscar ‘Bud’ Peebles ’59 Howard Silva ’59 Boys Varsity Basketball Team ’58
2016 Inductees Joe DeRosa ’71 Coach Darrell Lickliter ’61-’83 Oscar ‘Bud’ Peebles ’59 Howard Silva ’59 Boys Varsity Basketball Team ’58
The Mt. Diablo High School Sports Hall of Fame will be holding its Annual Induction Dinner honoring their 2017 Inductees Friday, November 3, 2017 at Zio Fraedo’s in Pleasant Hill. This year’s recipients are Trippi Collaro ‘79, Joe Fejerang ’75, Lee Grichichun ‘59, Ron Lichti ‘59, Pat Micco ’71, and Ted Walsh ‘71. If you … [Read more…]
The Crab Feed held on Jan. 21, 2017 at Zio Fraedo’s was a huge success. We had 137 dinner guests, 30 of which attended for the first time. Several former coaches/teachers were there, including Ernie Ceccaci, Steve Bordi, Keith and Linda Weidkamp, George Armstrong, Al Trette, Ralph Vallis, and Jim McLaughlin. Twelve HOF Inductees were … [Read more…]